Monday, November 17, 2008

Good News!

I'm happy to report that my upgrade request for a Category 3 cyclist was approved!

Cycling is split up into Categories.

You begin as a Category 5, or Cat 5, Cyclist. After you've gotten some experience, I think 10 or so races, you upgrade to a Cat 4 cyclist.

The Categories are 5-1. After 1 is Pro level.

To move between categories a cyclist must prove that he or she is ready for a higher level of competition. This is accomplished by placing high in races. Podiums are great (top three), but top tens are also respected.

I had a slowish start to the racing season. I didn't do so great in the Spring Series.

However, I really turned on the training in the late Spring and Summer. Finishing in the top Ten in almost all of the races I entered.

My highlights were a 3rd place at the Team Dayton Criterium and a 2nd place at the Kentucky Road Race championships.

It was a great year. The training and hard work paid off as I finally was able to "Cat-up" to a 3! I've been racing 4s for two seasons now.

I look forward to the higher level of competition the 3s will offer.

It will be tough because I am focusing my efforts on Ironman.