Columbus Marathon was today. I finished with a time of 2 hours, 57 minutes, and 29 seconds. 6:47 minute per mile pace. I'm pleased.
The weather couldn't have been better. 38 degrees at the start. I'm not sure it got over 50 during the race. Sunny. No wind. Excellent conditions.
It was a really nice weekend. I drove up with my mom on Saturday. We had a nice pancake breakfast before we hit the road. We got our race stuff at the Expo and looked around. Then we had a fabulous Italian dinner near our hotel. Dad arrived later that evening when mom and I were already getting ready to go to sleep.
I wasn't really sure what my goal was going to be. The past week I'd been nursing a sore left leg/quad/tendon (I'm not really sure what was bugging me...). It was probably good in that it really forced me to take it easy this week. It also made me stretch a lot. So with an iffy leg, I didn't want to psyche myself out so i was trying to keep a pretty level head about the race. Just start running and see what happens. I definitely wanted to qualify for Boston (3:10 marathon qualifying time). So if nothing else, that was my back up goal.
Well, I felt pretty good in the morning. My leg was a tiny bit sore...not really sore, but I was aware of it, if that makes sense. Sometimes something doesn't hurt but something doesn't feel an odd sound you might hear in your engine or something, just out of place.
I'm pretty relaxed at the start. It helped not having major goals. I met some friends at the start line. One friend, Chris Cavanaugh, wanted to run a 2:45. I sort of decided I'd start running with him and just see what happened. Sort of crazy and stupid..but I was well aware that I'd be running a lot faster than I'd been training. But I thought it might be kind of fun, you never know.
The music before the race started was great! Really heavy metal, pump-you-up kind of music. Made all of us runners feel tough, haha.
The race started and I felt great. The leg was no problem at all! I started running with Chris and we got into a great groove. We were running probably 6:20s for about 16 miles...that's about when my body started telling me it'd had enough.
I knew I was running too fast. Some people accidentally start races too fast. The energy of all the runners around you. The excitement of the race starting and the fans's EASY to go out to fast and not mean to. I knew I was doing it...which is probably even dumber.
I was joking with the other runners that my goal was to have a major league melt down: (no worries, I drank gatorade...)
I knew I would melt down. I just didn't know when. and I didn't know how severe it would be. I mean, I was on PR pace feeling good for the first 16 miles! and in my mind I was thinking and doing the was seemingly impossible that I wouldn't PR (personal record) and unfathomable that I wouldn't qualify for no worries.
But at mile 16 my body took over. My mind kept saying, "Run faster!" But my body said, "I'm's not went out too fast you dummy."
I didn't have complete melt down but I did slowly get slower :)
Unfortunately, I couldn't muster the umph in the last few miles to PR (2:56)...but I was happy with a 2:57..and I was even happier to be finished running.
The problem with perfect running conditions is that they are usually the worst post-race conditions. I was FREEZING! I was shuffling around with my teeth chattering and my shoulder shaking, trying to take in some nutrition, losing a lot of energy being so cold. People kept asking me if i was okay...I kept saying, "I think." and they would respond, "You think?" Haha. No dramas, though.
I made it back to the hotel and had a HOt shower. drove back to the finish area and met my mom and dad. Mom had a great race, too! She PRed by like 15 minutes! Crazy. She just gets faster and faster. She bought a shirt that said on the front, "The truth is you're fast than you think," and on the back, "The truth hurts. 26.2" I like that.
So all in all it was a great day of running. I learned that if you want to run 6:20s for an entire marathon you'd better put in the training time.
Running a marathon hurts.
Running a marathon hurts after a week of tapering, a good night's sleep, and a good breakfast.
Running a marathon hurts with fresh legs on a beautiful cool day.
I fear the pain, agony, and suffering that will meet me at the beginning, middle, and end of the Ironman marathon.
Running a marathon hurts...How much will it hurt after having already done 6-7 hours worth of intense swimming and cycling? I guess I'll find out.
In a strange way I can't wait for the Ironman marathon to begin. It will mean entering into a whole new level of suffering. Praise be to God.
Staying on the Cross
5 days ago
so when i saw your time on facebook, i must admit, i didn't really know what it meant, but i assumed from everyone's comments it was good. i'm glad to see you were happy! congrats!
tell me this, are you still paying for your own shoes? shorts? etc.?
what day is the ironman, there is no reason, i shouldn't be there. NO reason.
You are crazy. (But I'll still hang out with you)
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