Thursday, April 22, 2010

9 weeks.

In 9 weeks I will be a married man.

2 months.

65 days.

I just had a wonderful 10 day visit from my fiancee, Carolyn. She got to see where we'll be living together next year. She got to see the school where we'll be teaching. She got to meet my friends here.

We went to some of my favorite spots and restaurants around the city. Blueberries. Alexanders. The Star of India. (We like the Royal Taj better:) We saw the home where we'll be living next year. A beautiful place. Open. Surrounded by mountains. Cute and cozy inside. We were thrown an engagement party with a Mariaci (sp?) Band! We saw movies and got sodas and popcorn! (It's really cheap here:) We went for walks to the grocery store. We had grilled cheese and tomato soup. We went for a beautiful hike. We just enjoyed every moment we had together.

I really miss her.

We will be married in 9 weeks, but we will be together again in 6! I'm really looking forward to being home for the Summer and all that we have to look forward to. I have to make this flight alone only one more time.

This 6 weeks will be hard. But I think it will be good, too, as we focus on the Lord, really focus on being present where we are, and get ready for the commitment we will be making on June 26.

I can't wait:)