I'm currently in Southaven, Mississippi. I'm here attending the PFO (pre-field orientation) for my new job teaching through NICS (Network of International Christian Schools) in La Paz, Bolivia.
PFO is 2 weeks of meeting teachers, learning about third culture kids, learning what to expect living, teaching, and serving in a new culture.
It's been good.
I wasn't super excited about these 2 weeks. Mostly because my time is running short here in the US. It's hard to give up 2 weeks when I only have 5 left. However, I'm very hopeful that this will be an invaluable and enriching time.
I had a really interesting and good conversation with Nate at dinner tonight. He's the director at the school in Venezuela.
He was explaining something of the political and spiritual climates in Venezuela and Bolivia...I guess South America in general. It's a dark place. The Bolivian president, Ayma, has been on television offering animal sacrifices...
And the nature of these schools is powerful ministry. Since these schools offer an excellent international education people from all walks of life are willing to come and learn. They are receiving a Christian education along with all the other subjects. But they don't mind "putting up with" I guess the Christian aspect because they are respected, accredited, international schools.
So these schools have a platform to ministry to people that many churches and ministries don't have!
This director, Nate, warned me that it is a battlefield. I need to have people specifically praying for me. I need to specifically begin preparing for ministering and serving in what will definitely be a very difficult place to live and work...
I think the conversation for the first time really brought home what I'm going to do. I'm going to live and serve Jesus Christ as a missionary in La Paz, Bolivia. It can easily feel like just a really cool job...a sweet new opportunity...an awesome international experience in a new culture...which it is ALL those things. I'm excited for the adventure of it all.
However, I don't want to forget the strong spiritual opposition I will encounter.
I definitely need to be prepared. And I definitely need all the prayers I can get.
Staying on the Cross
5 days ago